Mark Brayan, a 61-year-old married father of three from Germany, has been wearing skirts and heels to work for the past four years to challenge gender norms. The robotics engineer gained over 73k followers on social media, showing that straight, cisgender men can still be “masculine” while wearing clothes traditionally considered feminine.

Mark shares on Instagram that he’s a “straight, happily married guy” who loves Porsches, beautiful women, and wearing skirts and high heels. He emphasizes that his outfits don’t reflect his sexuality but are simply a way to be comfortable and fashion-forward.
He says his motivation for wearing skirts is a mix of fashion, comfort, and wanting to stand out, while still being a “manly” husband and father. Mark even mentioned that his daughter sometimes wants to borrow his shoes.
Mark’s colleagues were supportive when he started wearing skirts, as they had already seen him wearing heels with pants. He says it wasn’t a surprise to them.
Although he’s been working from home during the pandemic, Mark hasn’t stopped wearing his heels, continuing to embrace his unique fashion style.
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